
istock_000058362266_doubleIf you or your family member are eligible for Veteran’s Home Care services, you should contact the Veteran’s Home Care Assessment Agency to discuss your circumstances and needs.

Phone Icon 1300 550 450

Staff will complete an assessment over the phone and/or arrange a time to visit your home. If you are seeking residential respite you will also be assessed by an Aged Care Assessment Team to determine eligibility and needs.

If you are eligible for services, a care plan will be sent to you and the Veteran Home Care service provider. The service provider will then call you to discuss a suitable time to provide the service. For more information visit Department of Veteran’s Affairs.

Phone Icon  133 254 (Metropolitan callers) or

Phone Icon  1800 555 254 (Regional callers).

If you are eligible for Department of Veterans’ Affairs-funded services and you are over the age of 65 years, you may also be eligible to receive services under the Commonwealth Home Support Program so long as there is no duplication of specific services being provided. For example, you may access Veterans’ Home Care for domestic assistance and personal care, but also receive transport and delivered meals through the Commonwealth Home Support Program.

Costs: The funding program through which you access aged care services at home will determine whether you need to pay for any services. Any fees will be discussed with you prior to receiving services.
