Service Provider Workshops in Nowra and Wollongong
Do you provide respite services for people living with dementia and their carers in the Illawarra Shoalhaven?
Come to a FREE ReThink Respite workshop in Wollongong or Nowra.
This workshop will help you to improve aspects of service quality in line with identified carer needs (the evidence).
► Work collaboratively to identify service strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats with reference to carer needs;
► Identify goals for service changes;
► Develop action plans; and
► Evaluate and monitor change.
Nowra: 2.30pm to 4.30pm, Wednesday 27th April 2016
Nowra Adult Day Care Centre, 39 Holloway Road, Nowra
Wollongong: 2pm to 4pm Tuesday 10 May 2016
Building No.233 room 115, Innovation Campus,University of Wollongong
To register your interest or for more information on the ReThink Respite project, please contact Lyn Phillipson:
Call: (02) 4221 4773